I used to overeat when I was stressed, tired, overwhelmed or had other negative feelings. Then I tried all the diets to keep my weight under control. However, dieting made me even more preoccupied with food and engage in more emotional eating, needing to diet even more to prevent weight gain. I spent lots of time, energy and money to break free from this vicious cycle and now I’ve been free for 5 years.    

Isn’t it time for you too toenjoy eating without feeling guilty and overdoing it all the time? To live your life to the fullest without the never-ending food chatter in your head, cravings, deprivation, punishments, and diet plans? To end the lifelong struggle around weight, dieting and body image obsession? 

You have achieved so much, and you are successful in your career or your business, you have great relationships, you even invested a lot in personal development through the years, but you can’t find the solution to this one problem. Even though you long to be confident and competent in this area more than in anything else. 

Let me help you. I know the solution and I’ll share all my secrets with you inside my program because…

I´ve been there too

I know what it´s like to feel out of control and powerless around food. It´s like a monster taking over you and you can´t stop eating and snacking. 

I wasn’t always a coach. I actually worked as a busy postdoc researcher and scientist for about 15 years as an expat in the UK and in Switzerland (I’m Hungarian), and it was my own personal journey that inspired me to learn about nutrition and eating psychology so that I could help myself and later others too. 
My life looked perfect from the outside with a great career and a beautiful family with two little boys, living in a gorgeous country, but I dealt with some internal challenges.  

 I already used food to release stress at university while studying for my exams. 

I found myself eating to relieve stress again while balancing work in a competitive field, traveling around the world to project meetings and conferences, looking after our small children, and attending to all the other responsibilities, while living in a foreign country thousands of kilometres away from the grandparents. 

 I was constantly stressed, felt overwhelmed, started to feel anxious more and more often, and I was impatient with our little boys.  

I wanted to be perfect at work, as a mum, as a partner, and as a friend but I simply couldn’t.  

Sometimes the feeling I would never be good enough drove me to eat emotionally, other times exhaustion, stress and overwhelm were the culprits. 

To learn how to get free from emotional eating I chose an Integrative Health Coaching training that included not only nutrition but also eating psychology education. I took many other courses and read numerous books too to build a comprehensive view of the subject.  

Now I’m 48 and have been free from these food issues for 5 years.  

My food choices are not driven by my emotional state anymore. I don’t use food to release stress or make myself feel better. 

Food is only needed to fuel and nourish me, and to give me pleasure.  

I want the same for you too. 

Are you tired of eating your feelings?

My program is for you if: 


You are a busy, driven woman working hard all day and then you reward yourself with food at the end of the day because “you finally deserve something nice”. 

Or you have constant cravings and find yourself snacking all afternoon. When you have a few minutes, you go to the fridge or pantry at home, or to the vending machine or coffee room at work to get something to munch on. Maybe your desk is full of candies and chocolates so you can have something whenever the craving hits. 

You eat when you’re stressed, anxious, pressed for time, angry, frustrated,  when you feel inadequate, not in control or unappreciated, when you’re sad, lonely, bored or even when you’re happy.  

You frequently use eating as “me-time”, entertainment or procrastination. 

To compensate for your emotional eating, you follow some kind of diet, count calories, points, measure grams, watch the clock when you can eat again, 

and then self-sabotage all your weight loss efforts when you just can’t diet any longer. 

You constantly start over because it’s getting harder and harder to stick to any plan. 

You sometimes feel like an alcoholic but use food instead of alcohol. 

After overeating in the evening, you can’t sleep well, you wake up tired, feeling guilty, in a bad mood and you take it out on other people. Often on people who least deserve it.  

You are not present in your daily life because you think about food all the time, and secretly wonder how other people can eat normally and not care about food so much. 

You’ve spent so much money on diet programs and therapy, countless hours of researching and still act the same way (or worse) around food. 

You feel like something might be wrong with you, it’s not who you really are, and you don’t understand why you keep behaving the way you do. 


NOTHING is wrong with you!

Eating is an easily available and quick way to comfort, numb, calm or reward yourself when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, tired, angry, sad, lonely, bored, or even when you’re happy.   

Another perceived “advantage” of eating is that you can do it pretty mindlessly while working or doing something else so you can still meet all your demands. 

Maybe you also use food to gain some energy when you feel exhausted and overloaded.  

You learned to use food to numb, comfort or entertain yourself accidentally through trial and error or from someone else. 

This was possibly the best coping mechanism you could come up with at that point in your life. You accidentally created an overeating habit. 

It’s not your fault! 

You can unlearn this behavior. 

I know you want to eat and feel normal again so badly but whenever you try to stop overeating, sooner or later you always fall back.

I know you are scared you will fail again. 

It´s so frustrating because you have achieved so much and you are successful in other areas of your life. Why can´t you figure out how to eat?

Why can´t you end the lifelong struggle around weight, dieting and body image obsession?

As a high-achieving person, you believe that you have to work harder and harder to maintain your success, but if stress and overwhelm are not addressed, this overload leads to exhaustion, food cravings, overeating, and weight gain (or even burnout and depression in the long run).

And we haven’t even talked about the anxiety caused by imposter syndrome yet. Many high-achievers never feel good enough. Especially women.

We cannot believe that we deserve our success and we feel like we were just lucky or we’ve been at the right place at the right time. Despite our experiences and accomplishments, we constantly worry that others will find out that we’re imposters and we don’t know enough. Can you relate?

To compensate, we work even harder and hold ourselves to even higher standards leading to even more overload and overwhelm. 

To release this stress many people turn to food to find comfort, reward, relaxation and distraction from their problems. 

You know that emotional eating doesn’t solve your problems. But this habit is so ingrained you just do it anyway.


Then you try to lose weight using the latest popular diet but you always fail. Even if you lose weight, you gain it back because the emotional component is not addressed.

When the diet is over or when life becomes too hectic you turn to food again. Consequently, after many attempts, you’re sceptical, discouraged, unmotivated and tired to try anything new.

Also, often the weight loss advice and strategies you follow are the exact things that are making you overeat.

In our crazy, busy lives, the last thing anyone needs is more rules and “shoulds.” What you really need is to dig deep and figure out why food has this crazy hold over you.

For busy high-achievers, like you, your relationship with food might seem like a minor inconvenience, but trust me, it’s affecting more than just your weight. It has an impact on your health, confidence, and self-worth, whether you realize it or not.

You’re probably not even aware that a coach could help you find out what triggers you to overeat and teach you how to react to those situations differently so you can disconnect your mood from food. 

As a high-achieving, busy person, you have so much on your mind and have no time to take care of yourself. You need someone to keep you accountable until your new habits become ingrained and automatic.

And this is where I can help you.

By putting off getting help you’re making life harder than it needs to be. Maybe you think you can figure it out on your own while juggling your busy schedule, or maybe you’re telling yourself you don’t deserve to invest in something like this. Or, you’ve got the classic problem of putting everyone else’s needs before your own.

The truth is, that investing in your well-being is not only worthwhile but essential. It’s time to prioritize yourself and break free from the patterns that have held you back. Embrace the support you deserve on this transformative journey to a healthier, happier version of yourself.


If you’re reading this, sometimes you feel completely out of control around food and you can’t stop eating no matter how much you want to. You’ve tried diets or maybe even therapy to fix it, but nothing worked. You finally want to learn a solution from someone who’s been there.     

First, I want to acknowledge that you’re taking these first steps to gain control over the habits that have formed over the course of a few years, or maybe even a lifetime.  

Well done you! You are already ahead of most people having this issue.  

You have decided that you’re done with fad diets, and you’ll do the work and will take the time to finally break free from your emotional eating and overeating habits.  

Congratulations! You’ll make it this time! 

And here is the thing:

X  You don’t need to deny yourself your favourite foods, you only need to eat them in moderation.

X  You don’t need to follow someone else’s diet or rules. You can learn to decide for yourself.

X  You don’t need to overwhelm yourself with a complete life overhaul, you only need to do small consistent changes.

I had a life-changing experience working with Rita May in 1:1 coaching sessions!

I had the pleasure to work with Rita May over a period of 12 weeks and it was a life-changing experience for me. I will be eternally grateful to Rita May for all the teaching, coaching and support she gave me!

I started working with Rita May to help identify the root cause of my life-long diet/loss/gain cycle with my weight. I knew that there had to be an underlying reason for my repeated pattern but none of the programs or diets I tried ever helped me understand the “why” and “how to succeed long term”. Trust me: I had tried it all and Rita May’s program was finally the solution.

Throughout our sessions, Rita listened intently and helped me come up with a variety of strategies to help me change my thoughts and patterns. I learned invaluable lessons about mindfulness, behavior patterns, creating new habits, emotional eating triggers, identifying and creating strategies to address my barriers to success, and beating self-sabotage.

Most importantly, I have a healthy new relationship with food where it no longer controls my thoughts and actions. I like myself again and feel a sense of freedom with food in addition to now having a wide variety of tools and techniques that allow me to have freedom and trust myself. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders every time we discovered something and created action plans. Everything Rita May did for me was customized to what I needed and was far beyond what I ever imagined!

Rita May listens intently, is very empathetic and is extremely passionate about her work and giving you tailored information to help challenge you to learn, grow and succeed.

Sandy- Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

“I found Rita by accident on the internet while browsing the usual diet advice.

It was just an intuition after what I read on her site that I would definitely try to achieve the desired shape with her.

Rita does this helpful work for all of us who work with her very professionally, with complete dedication, devotion, incredible understanding and insight, and at the same time with infinite modesty.

She has a solution for everything and guides you through seemingly difficult challenges with ease. 

With her presence throughout, she ensured that I was capable of what I set out to do.

I live a fast-paced life with a lot of work. Although I tried to eat healthily, this resulted in irregular, mostly quick binges in the evening.

We uncovered the reasons for my binges and found appropriate options for individual lifestyle changes, for loving and understanding my body, for a definitive, easy existence without big swings, guilt, self-punishment, or excessive expectations.”

B. Zimmermann

I know you want to stop thinking about food all day long and putting so much brain energy into food choices.  

You want to think about your to-do list first thing in the morning instead of what to eat.  

Wouldn´t it be nice to go to bed and not think about what you ate, whether you were good or bad, and what you´re going to eat tomorrow? 

You want to spend that mental energy on the things that really interest you and allow your light to shine again. 

To use that time to go after your dreams and achieve even more. 

You want to feel better about yourself, so you can also be kinder to other people and your relationships improve.  


You want food to be there to enjoy yourself, fuel your body, or have a nice dinner with friends and family 

You want to travel and enjoy your trip instead of worrying about what you’re going to eat there. 

You want to end all the stress caused by guilt and shame and the never-ending background noise filling your head.  

You want to stop spending all that money on food your body doesn´t need, on the newest diet programs and books to lose weight, on therapy, eating disorder groups and you want to stop spending thousands of hours researching. 

You don´t want your children to learn your disordered eating habits from you. 


My 12-week coaching program is a unique blend of nutrition, eating psychology, and brain science to support you to reach your goal. 

The program involves basic nutritional education, learning to cope with your feelings without food, emotion management, and mindset hacks to finally break free from emotional- and stress-eating. 


I don’t believe in one-diet-fits-all approaches. Instead of giving you a diet plan, I help you choose a way of eating that you enjoy because that’s the one you will be able to sustain in the long term. 


We also focus on learning and implementing simple and effective emotional management tools, updating your belief system and learning to accept and trust your body. By practicing using these skills, you’ll change your responses to situations that would’ve led to emotional eating in the past. 

Eliminate Emotional Eating Coaching program with Rita May


While I worked as a researcher and a scientist, I developed the skills to find the best information and teach it effectively. Therefore, you can be sure that I’ll teach you well-researched information in an easily understandable fashion.   


Other very strong skills I developed as a researcher were finding patterns and figuring out why things happen. These skills are extremely beneficial to help you find your conscious and unconscious eating and thinking patterns and to help you create better habits. 

As a result of working with Rita, I have learned to cope with stress completely differently, and this has made a significant difference not only in my diet.

Her healthy lifestyle related tips have fundamentally changed my life. She had 3-4 suggestions for each problem, and I could always choose which path to take.

In the past, I worked with coaches in many different areas, but Rita is unique in that she does not provide a ready-made solution to your problems, but teaches you how to solve your problems. Thus, she doesn’t simply recommend following the path she thinks is right, but rather helps you find out what is the most effective approach for you. All this in a very safe and secure environment.

As a result of our work together, I left 20 years of stress eating and diet addiction behind, and I move confidently between the learned methods to preserve my health. Thanks to this, I got rid of a significant amount of excess weight without any deprivation and I keep my weight stable without any kind of ‘special attention’.

Klara S.

What you will learn in this program

My approach considers every aspect of your life. It is entirely personalized to help you in the areas where you need it most, therefore the order of the weeks may change for you.

– Assessing your current situation and laying the foundation for sustained inner motivation.

– Learning to differentiate physical and emotional hunger.

– Tackling physical hunger and stabilizing the body. An unstable, depleted body is much less stress resistant than a healthy body.

– Giving up dieting and developing a way of eating that you enjoy because that’s the one you will be able to sustain in the long term.

– Uncovering the path from food obsession to food freedom.

– Discovering why you binge or overeat and what needs to be done to overcome it.

– Understanding why your past dieting approaches made it worse.

– Gaining more awareness and adopting a curious and non-judgemental mindset.

– Learning and practising the 5 step process to overcome the urge to overeat.

– Working on your skill to catch yourself before you start overeating.

– Step by step rewiring the part of the brain that’s responsible for the binging/overeating habit.

– Addressing emotional hunger.

– Finding your triggers for emotional eating.

– Addressing mindset traps and habitual overeating.

– Finding what you are really hungry for and making arrangements so that you can satisfy that hunger.

– Learning the role of emotions.

– Discovering what they show us.

– Disconnecting your mood from food and learning to deal with your emotions without food.

– Mindset makeover.

– Uncovering the thoughts and beliefs that are causing you to overeat and self-sabotage.

– Upgrading your thoughts and beliefs about yourself, food, your body and life so they help you achieve your goals instead of hindering you.

– Based on your biofeedback signals from your body so far refining your eating habits.

– Learning how to think for yourself instead of relying on someone else’s rules, numbers or anything else.

– Learning to reconnect with the wisdom of your body instead of the chatter in your head.

– Navigating life’s grey areas instead of black and white thinking.

– Learning how to use setbacks as excellent learning opportunities that you are grateful for instead of feeling guilty and ashamed.

– Understanding and getting free from self-sabotage.

– Learning the power of acceptance and forgiveness.

– Starting to feel more self-acceptance and compassion instead of the constant self-criticism.

– Improving your relationships and your outlook on your life.

– Identity makeover.
– Upgrading your identity and your personal standard.
– Changing your negative self-talk.
– Working on your body image.

– Comforting the inner child.

– Stress management.

– Improving your sleep hygiene. You like to burn the candles at both ends and you’re proud of being hardworking and hardly sleeping at all. Lack of sleep makes you hungry and you crave and eat high-calorie foods for a quick energy boost.

– Setting up your habits for the future and habit building techniques – so the new habits become effortless.

– How to be consistent when you don’t feel motivated.

– Holiday eating and other special occasions.

– Anything else you still need help with.

The special pricing below is going away soon. 

Before purchasing the program you have the option to book a free discovery call here. You will be redirected to my Calendar page where you can book a free 60-minute discovery call.

1 : 1 Emotional Eating Coaching

$ 1400
  • 12 * 60-min 1 : 1 coaching calls + powerful tools (video lessons, workbook, guides and meditations)

1 : 1 Emotional Eating Coaching

Payment plan
$ 3*500
  • 12 * 60-min 1 : 1 coaching calls + powerful tools (video lessons, workbook, guides and meditations)


12 x 60-minute coaching calls in 3 months time period.

To discover the real reasons for your overeating habit, design a plan of action to overcome it, update your mindset, develop better habits to deal with your emotions, and build a much better relationship with food and your body. We’ll meet every week the same day for a 60-minute coaching call. I will help you work through mindset blocks, uproot your hidden beliefs, answer your questions, help you understand concepts and new perspectives, brainstorm with you, and keep you accountable to do the actual work needed to do every week. Without a coach how would you know if what you’re doing will or won’t work? How would you know if you were doing something wrong and what to change? Where would you go if you needed help or you had some questions?

Access to Eliminate Emotional Eating video course.

Access to video lessons guiding you through the process of becoming free from emotional eating. They all below 30 minutes long and contain bite-size information with actionable homework at the end. You’ll always know exactly what to do next. You'll have access to these videos for 1 year so you can revisit them whenever you like.

Resources to help you digest the information and implement what you learned

Workbooks, guides, worksheets, journals, and guided visualizations and meditations specifically designed for your personal needs.

Email support between calls during weekdays

So you never feel alone during this journey. You can ask me if something is not clear or you are stuck or you don’t know what to do in certain situations.

Further customization as we determine the best approach to meet your needs.




During the ELIMINATE EMOTIONAL EATING program we’ll NOT concentrate on weight loss because that would make it more difficult to develop a healthy relationship with food. Once you stopped emotional eating the weight may fall off automatically because you don’t eat when you’re not hungry anymore.

After finishing the Eliminate Emotional Eating program you’ll already feel much better in your skin but you may want to look and feel your best.

You’re ready to up your game and build more healthy habits.

This course will help you build the basic habits that are necessary to lose weight and will also teach you what you don’t need to worry about and waste your time on. You’ll also learn how to lose weight safely, without falling back into the restriction – overeating cycle.

You’ll learn that multiple factors can influence your metabolism and you´ll fine-tune your eating and exercise habits for your own specific goals, lifestyle, age, and other circumstances.

Some people are not happy with their bodies even after losing weight. They don´t understand why they don´t feel as happy as they thought they would. They have more work to do to improve their body image.

This course can also help you if you’ve been doing everything right but you can´t lose weight, because you have weight loss resistance.

Or you reached a weight loss plateau and you don´t know how to start losing weight again.

Or you reached your goal weight but you have no idea how to maintain your weight loss. You feel anxious about gaining all the weight back as you did so many times before.

The course contains:

6 Modules of video lessons (6 hrs in total)

Lifetime access to a private group

Worksheets, ebooks, cheatsheets, planners, journals, guided visualizations and meditations.


4 additional 60-minute coaching calls with me during the next 4 months following the 12-week program. (Value $500)

You can book these calls when you need them.

These 1 on 1 calls can be used to further strengthen your skills to overcome emotional eating and overeating as it takes time to build new habits. It’s also easy to slip back into negative self-talk if you`ve been doing it for decades undermining your progress.

These calls can also be used to get 1 on 1 support during your weight loss journey. While the Healthy Habits for Permanent Weight Loss self-study course is great, some people need someone to keep them accountable, answer their questions, guide them through their mindset blocks, and be there for them during their inevitable setbacks to keep them motivated to keep going instead of returning to the restrictive quick-fix diets (that we know don’t work and make you binge and overeat).

Especially if you have a larger amount of weight to lose. It takes a long time to lose it and you may lose motivation if you don’t see the result quickly. You might feel tempted to go back to your previous restrictive quick-fix (and unsuccessful) approaches.

Sustainable and permanent weight loss is a slow process and without me checking on your progress and providing guidance if something needs to be changed you may feel alone, lost and tempted to give up.

Weight loss resistance, plateaus and maintaining your weight loss without the constant anxiety of gaining it back can also be tricky times when you need my support.

I’ll be there for you to help you through these emotional times. You’ll just need to book a call.

“With this course, Rita covers everything important related to weight loss. When I looked through the topics, I felt as if she had read my mind when she collected the problems leading to excess weight and compiled the topics for the course. Whenever a BUT came to my mind, in the next part she already addressed and answered my question. I felt like she was looking closely at the struggles I had gone through over the years, as if she had experienced all the temptations with me, had listened to any objections I had thought or said, and knew every life situation I had ever encountered in my private life or at work and led me to where I am now. She gave me hope that there was a solution to lose the extra weight and keep it off in the long run. I have already made progress during the first Modul. I´ve started to swim and I didn´t beat myself up for the two pancakes I had this weekend.”

K. Schrantz

What you will NOT find in my programs

 X Quick-fix solutions. Real transformation takes time and quick-fix solutions dont work in the long run. They will only make you obsessed with food, binge eat and overeat when you cant cope with the restrictions any longer. 

X One-size-fits-all solutions. I wont make you follow a meal plan, but I will teach you how to choose what to eat based on your bodys signals. Instead of giving you a fish, Ill teach you how to fish, metaphorically speaking. Ill also teach you different techniques to master your emotions instead of telling you that only this one wayworks. 

X Telling you to simply change your environment (e.g. don’t have any triggering food at home, remove all stress from your life). I believe that we can always change our inner world while we often cant change our outside world. I want you to be able to have all the triggering foods at home and either not care about them or just eat a small portion of them and forget about them. As we cant remove all stress and negative circumstances from our lives, well work on your inner strengths and resilience to withstand them. 

X Telling you that you are addicted to certain foods and you should never eat them. Youre not addicted. You either restricted certain foods in the past resulting in overdesire for those foods or developed the habit of using food to cope with your emotions. The ELIMINATE EMOTIONAL EATING program addresses both issues so that you can eat any food in moderation. 

Plus, I’m including direct support from me, so I can review your progress, and make sure you're on track to reach your goals.

Who this is not for:

But this is for you if:

To sum it all up

It’s time to enjoy eating normal portions of food and to know how not to overdo it or eat mindlessly in a fog.

In this program, you´ll learn what triggers your emotional and habitual overeating/binging behaviour and you will have the tools to finally stop it. 

If you want to be able to cope with your emotions without food, you´ll love that I specifically designed this program to teach you that. 

It´s time to be able to pass by sweets, unless you really want something special, without feeling deprived. One cookie wouldn’t lead to a dozen.

You will be able to enjoy a few cookies or a small bowl of ice cream (or whatever you like) without having to eat the rest.

"I did have a very successful vacation and wanted to share! It's the first time when I didn't want to eat constantly out of boredom from driving. I ate only when I was hungry. I didn't feel the urge to just eat mindlessly! I didn't focus on food or negative thoughts and was so fun to focus on everything else but food during the vacation. I felt physically stronger than ever and my friend noticed - she was envious! I think the best part of the week was the sense of positive self-image! It's the first time I've felt confident and content with myself and it felt so freeing. It was so exciting to notice a new kind of "relationship" with myself."

The special pricing below is going away soon. 

1 : 1 Emotional Eating Coaching

$ 1400
  • 12 * 60-min 1 : 1 coaching calls + homework + powerful tools (video lessons, workbook, guides and meditations)

1 : 1 Emotional Eating Coaching

Payment plan
$ 3*500
  • 12 * 60-min 1 : 1 coaching calls + homework + powerful tools (video lessons, workbook, guides and meditations)

Before purchasing the program you have the option to book a free discovery call here. You will be redirected to my Calendar page where you can book a free 60-minute discovery call.

It’s a no-pressure call. You’ll tell me what you need help with, I’ll let you know how I see your problem and how I can help you and if you’re interested we can talk about my coaching program. If you want to work with me to solve your issue, we’ll schedule our next call. If you’re not interested, I’ll wish you good luck and you’ll leave with a better understanding of what triggers your overeating habit. You have nothing to lose.


How can I join the program?


You have two options.

OPTION 1: You apply for a free discovery call here: BOOK HERE

We’ll get on a 60-minute Zoom call. You’ll tell me what you need help with, and I’ll let you know how I see your problem and how I can help you.  If you’re interested we can talk about this coaching program. It’s a no-pressure call. If it’s a perfect fit, we start the program and begin your journey. We’ll schedule our next call.

If you’re not interested I’ll wish you good luck and you’ll leave with a better understanding of what triggers your overeating habit. You have nothing to lose.

OPTION 2: You simply purchase the program.

If you feel like what I described on this page or during a live event is exactly what you need and you don‘t have any questions, you can simply purchase the ELIMINATE EMOTIONAL EATING program using the button under the price, book our first call and we’ll start the onboarding process.

After you signed the contract and we had our first call you’ll get access to the video lessons and other resources for the first month. The rest of the lessons will be released as you progress.


Do You Offer Payment Plans?


Yes. You either pay in full $1200 or you can pay $450 every month (i.e. 3 x $450).

Please make sure you use the right buttons under the desired payment option.


How long is the whole program?


The ELIMINATE EMOTIONAL EATING program is a 12-week long program. I ask that you use the 12  1:1 coaching calls within the contracted dates (12 consecutive weeks) every week at the same time. If you absolutely need to postpone a call, please let me know 24 hours in advance.


Do I have “lifetime access” to the video training?


You will have 1 year of access to the video training, meaning that you will have access to the modules long after our contract ends. I set the 1-year limit because if I don’t limit the time, people tend to procrastinate. 1 year is more than enough time to achieve your goal. However, you will not have access to me after the 12 weeks, except in the Facebook group. You will have lifetime access to the group.


Is the start time flexible?


Yes, when you join now and pay the full price or a $350 deposit, you can choose a start date in the future depending on my calendar (this must be discussed at the discovery call or in email or DM at purchase).

The modules inside the program are self-paced, so you’ll be able to organize your watching time around any vacations or plans you already have. The 1 on 1 call must be used during the weeks we agree to use them. If you absolutely need to postpone a call, you need to let me know 24 hours in advance. Email support is available between calls during weekdays. Please be aware of the potential time zone difference when you expect an answer from me.


How much time will this take in my week?


Most lessons are less than 30 minutes long each and then you need to implement what you’ve learned from it. You can expect to commit about 2-3 hours on average each week going through the entire homework for the week, both to review my training and get your tasks done.

While you’ll acquire new knowledge, a significant portion of what you’ll be engaging in will easily integrate into your daily routine. The primary obstacle for individuals is often not the time invested but rather perfectionism. You’ll discover that achieving the desired results in the ELIMINATE EMOTIONAL EATING program doesn’t require perfection. Dedicate the time to participate and embrace the imperfections in your efforts, and the benefits will follow.


How quickly will I see results?  


This isn´t a cookie-cutter program, it´s individualized for your needs.  However, you have the authority to decide what you want to do after I explain the effects of your actions.

Therefore, how long it takes to see results also depends on you. It depends on how much time and effort you put in. With the ELIMINATE EMOTIONAL EATING program, some people see results and feel a difference in the first few weeks, while others do in a month or two.

But be aware that you create permanent results with this program and that takes time. Quick-fix solutions don´t work long-term.

With that said, I am dedicated to working closely with you to turn you into my next success story. 

All you have to do is show up, follow the lessons, be coachable and apply what you learn.

The real question is, how committed are you to overcoming emotional eating and reaching food freedom?


Can I do this program if I’m on a special food plan?


Absolutely! The ELIMINATE EMOTIONAL EATING program is NOT a food plan. You will learn how to make clear decisions about what works for you so that you can choose your best approach to food and eating.


What’s your Refund Policy and Guarantee Policy? 


If at any time you‘re not satisfied with the level of service you’re receiving from me during the 12 weeks we work together, you can request a refund (at any time) for the program.

Do you think I’d give a crazy guarantee like this if I wasn’t sure this program could transform your life?

Now I’m not guaranteeing you’re completely going to stop emotional eating in 12 weeks (although it can absolutely happen), after all, it depends on how much work you put in and how ingrained this habit is. But I am guaranteeing that you’ll get your money’s worth of value and service from me to support you and if you continue to apply the principles I teach you, you’ll definitely be able to stop emotional eating.

I know that I show up 100% fully and give you so much more value, availability, and support than any other coach out there for a much lower price (trust me, I’ve invested A LOT in coaching and still do). 

And so, YOU have to be willing to hold up your end of the deal. You must do the work!  We will create success together.

The only thing guaranteed not to help you is walking away today without taking action.

Most people in your circumstances would grab this opportunity with both hands, knowing that there is no risk.


I have a question I don’t see the answer to.


No problem! Email me at hello@ritamayblog.com. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours during business hours Monday – Friday (Central European Time).

Now my question is for you: Are you ready?

The special pricing below is going away soon.

1 : 1 Emotional Eating Coaching

$ 1400
  • 12 * 60-min 1 : 1 coaching calls + homework + powerful tools (video lessons, workbook, guides and meditations)

1 : 1 Emotional Eating Coaching

Payment plan
$ 3*500
  • 12 * 60-min 1 : 1 coaching calls + homework + powerful tools (video lessons, workbook, guides and meditations)

Before purchasing the program you have the option to book a free discovery call here. You will be redirected to my Calendar page where you can book a free 60-minute discovery call.

I had a huge enlightenment about how much I neglect to listen to what my body is saying to me. I did not realize that the disconnect I have between my mind and body was this significant.

Now I can eat chocolate, I can just have one and really enjoy it. I actually can really enjoy chocolate – really tasted it
and was fine with 1 piece each day. I don’t crave crappy candy anymore! 

I also have a new weird sensation of an improved sense of smell. I feel an awareness coming on…!

I have a new calmness and much improved opinion of myself. I really love this new feeling.


I’m so sorry we can’t talk on the phone right now because you could hear my excitement about my success last night.
It was a real breakthrough, without effort, I can’t describe it well…

Thank you so much and your kindness is simply heartbreaking…
I’m grateful to have met you…honestly…!

I see that you have wings and are an angel…:-)))
You exude so much kindness that wow, thank you very much!


For those who don’t know me well, I’m the kind of person who struggles with two to four kilograms. I don’t suffer from being overweight but can eat compulsively and mechanically. Last year, a post @ritamayblog from Rita May made me aware that I had built a harmful habit around food: a “Me Time” eating escape. I connected with her ideas immediately, and we started messaging on Instagram.


In 2021 I began working on what I call T-Kei —an inner space where one can find a natural balance between mind, body, heart and soul— a home within. Being an Interior Designer, I’m worried about how our world is changing faster than we can adapt. Thus, promoting our wellbeing feels like our most pressing need. It’s in our homes where we can design good habits and good living.

Rita’s Emotional Eating Training has widened my experience of my T-Kei. Six weeks of coaching sessions have been an incredible journey. Let me explain what I discovered:

  • A path to change. One definitely needs to frame change (whatever one may want to change) with a holistic approach. Nothing in one’s life is a stand-alone situation. Habits are systemic. Eating may be the clearest example; it is never a linear event. Me and food…nop, it is never that simple. It expands to whatever happens before and after eating; it’s related to relationships and work, and it also involves emotional fluctuations, energy levels, and mindset.

  • Talking to your body facilitates the flow. Change is about becoming someone else; it’s not about control and restriction; it’s about flowing into a better you. For this, it’s best to anchor intention into the physical environment and create the sensory stimulus to coerce your body to do things that your mind doesn’t want to.

  • You can transfer insight from this change-flow process into other areas of T-Kei. In my case, I imagined a new identity, a new Adriana that wanted a balanced and nonjudgemental relationship with food. This non-judgement intention started impacting the rest of my daily thought processes. I cannot stress how liberating that was (my inner critic is not entirely silenced but significantly subdued).

  • Flowing into change is training on being present and aware of what’s happening to you. It’s hard, yes, because it demands one’s attention. But being in the present moment is being in control from Tkei rather than from our mental frenzy. As Eckhart Tolle puts it: being present allows your mind to work for you, rather than you working for your mind.


Eating habits can be a portal to work on one’s Tkei. But there are many other approaches. Change is hard in the short term, but one can find reasonable scale objectives and evolve into better versions of oneself. As one learns to trust the process it feels like adding solid bricks to the home inside us. It’s all about mental muscles; train yourself in just one flow-change, and you will build momentum for who you want to become.

ADRIANA GÓMEZ NAVARRO Holistic Interior Designer

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