4 Myths About Triggers for Overeating That Every High-Achieving Woman Should Know

As a high-achieving professional woman, you’ve built your life on mastering challenges, solving complex problems, and achieving success in your career.

But when it comes to your relationship with food, things might not be so clear-cut. If you’ve ever struggled with overeating, emotional eating, or binge eating, you’re not alone—and there’s a good chance that some common misconceptions are holding you back from finding the solutions you need.

Understanding the triggers behind your overeating is crucial to taking control of your habits and creating a healthier relationship with food. However, there are several myths about these triggers that can make the journey to self-awareness and change more difficult than it needs to be.

In this article, we’ll debunk four of the most pervasive myths about triggers for overeating and help you see the path forward more clearly.

myths about triggers for overeating


Myth #1: Overeating is just about a lack of willpower

One of the most common myths about overeating is that it’s simply a matter of willpower.

The idea that you can just “try harder” to control your eating habits is not only misleading but also damaging.

As a high-achieving woman, you’re already applying immense willpower in many areas of your life—your career, your responsibilities, and your goals. Yet, when it comes to overeating, willpower alone often falls short.

Overeating is usually not about a lack of discipline; it’s about unmet emotional needs.

Whether it’s stress, anxiety, loneliness, or even boredom, these emotional states can trigger overeating as a way to cope or self-soothe.

Food can become a source of comfort or distraction, and until you address the underlying emotional triggers, no amount of willpower will be enough to change your eating habits.

That’s why during the second day of the 3-day Finding Your Triggers for Overeating Workshop we’ll find your emotional triggers.

You’ll identify the specific emotions, thoughts, and situations that trigger your overeating, so you can regain control and make healthier choices.


Related post  All you need to know about emotional eating


Myth #2: Triggers are always emotional

While emotional triggers like stress, anxiety, and sadness are common, physical factors such as hunger, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances can also act as triggers for overeating.

It’s important to understand that both physical and emotional triggers can drive eating behaviour, and learning to differentiate between them is crucial for managing overeating.

That’s why we’ll explore physical triggers during the first day of the 3-day Finding Your Triggers for Overeating Workshop.

I’ll show you how to distinguish between true physical hunger and emotional cravings, giving you the clarity to eat when your body truly needs nourishment, not just when you’re stressed or overwhelmed.

You’ll also discover why you’re always hungry, i.e. what can cause constant physical hunger.


Related post  Why you are not losing weight - the 4 big problems


Myth #3: Triggers are always obvious

Not all triggers are obvious or dramatic. Sometimes, they can be subtle, such as a fleeting thought, a particular smell, or even a familiar location.

These small, seemingly insignificant triggers can still lead to overeating, and it’s crucial to become more mindful of your environment and emotions to uncover the less obvious triggers.

I’ll show you simple yet powerful tracking techniques that reveal the hidden patterns in your eating habits during the  3-day Finding Your Triggers for Overeating Workshop — so you can start addressing the root cause, not just the symptoms.


Related post  Interior design to help you break free from emotional eating


Myth #4: You can avoid triggers completely

It’s unrealistic to think you can avoid all your triggers.

Life is full of stressors, emotions, and situations that may prompt overeating.

Instead of avoiding triggers, it’s more effective to learn how to manage them.

This involves developing coping strategies and becoming resilient to your triggers, so you’re not caught off guard when they arise.

This is what we will discuss during the third day of the  3-day Finding Your Triggers for Overeating Workshop.


Related post  Surprising Connections Between Suppressed Feelings, Stress, Health and Emotional Eating


Moving Beyond Myths to Empowered Eating

As a high-achieving woman, you’ve already proven that you have the skills and determination to succeed in many areas of your life. When it comes to your relationship with food, it’s important to move beyond these common myths and embrace a more informed, compassionate approach.

By challenging these myths, you’ll be better equipped to take control of your eating habits, address your emotional needs, and create lasting change.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into discovering your triggers together I invite you to join my upcoming 3-day live, interactive Finding Your Triggers for Overeating workshop (including live training, workbook prompts to reflect, discussions and Q&A) starting on Sept. 22nd so you can step in before you react (eat)!

Together, we’ll explore practical strategies to help you regain control and develop a healthier relationship with food.

Finding Your Triggers for Overeating Workshop


You’ll also receive:

  • Workshop Recordings: Access to all recordings so you can revisit the material anytime, reinforcing your learning and continuing your progress.
  • Self-Assessment Forms: Tools to help you understand your eating habits, and the deeper motivations and emotional triggers behind your eating patterns—ensuring you stay on the path to lasting change.

Let’s take this journey together toward a more empowered, balanced life.


Finding Your Triggers For Overeating to break free from emotional and binge eating

find your triggers for overeating

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Picture of Rita May

Rita May

Hi! I'm so happy to see you here! I hope you come back often.

I help busy and driven female professionals, entrepreneurs and hard working mothers to find time and motivation to eat a balanced diet and transform their relationship with food.

I help you reprogram your mind so you stop emotional eating.

I teach you to stop the negative self-talk and take good care of yourself so food is not your main pleasure source.

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