Practicing gratitude to stop emotional eating

Practicing gratitude to stop emotional eating

  Gratitude helps you see the positive aspects of your life, brightens your mood, and consequently reduces the need to eat to feel better. How we feel - how happy we are, how stressed we are, even how well we sleep - may seem like it’s out of our hands, but it is actually often a choice we make. We can choose to be grateful for what we have and feel more blissful. Or we can choose to focus on what we’re lacking, who has wronged us, and what’s not going our way. And guess what? We’ll feel miserable. We may blame others, circumstances, or fate for our unhappiness. But at the end of the day, it’s often about us and the choices we make. One of the simplest ways I find to be able to shift my mood is focusing on gratitude. Of course, sometimes that’s easier said than done. But as a motivation to practice gratitude more often let's see the benefits of gratitude, how you can easily integrate it into your life, and how practising gratitude helps to stop emotional eating.   ...
Navigating Emotional Eating and Food Temptation During the Holiday Season

Navigating Emotional Eating and Food Temptation During the Holiday Season

  I talked about emotional eating and navigating food temptations during the holiday season on Instagram with Samantha, the founder of Inner Bloom, a women's personal development platform. You can watch the replay HERE. We talked about: 🌸 Our own experiences with overeating. 🌸 How the overeating or binging habit forms. 🌸 Understanding our eating patterns. 🌸 Pinpointing triggers leading to stress-induced snacking and emotional indulgences. 🌸 How to replace these habits wit ...

Autumn: The Best Time to Begin Overcoming Emotional Eating

Autumn: The Best Time to Begin Overcoming Emotional Eating

Are you struggling with emotional eating, those moments when your emotions take the reins, leading you to unhealthy food choices? You're not alone. Eating for emotional reasons can be a challenging issue, but the good news is that autumn is the best time to begin overcoming emotional eating and reaching food freedom. Here are several reasons why this season is the perfect time to start addressing emotional eating: Season of Change and Renewal Autumn is a season of transformation. The leaves ch ...

Freedom from emotional eating through hobbies

Discover Freedom from Emotional Eating through Hobbies

Discover how having a hobby can help you take the first steps towards freedom from emotional eating! The content of this blog post is taken from my podcast interview with Hobbyscool. You can listen to the podcast here: Emotional Eating: Breaking the Cycle with Science, Psychology, and Hobbies With Rita May How having a hobby can help with emotional eating? Savour Life, Not Food Having a hobby can serve as a better way of releasing stress than eating. When people are very busy and ti ...

Inner Bloom,a women's platform for self-discovery and self-development

Inner Bloom – a women’s santruary for self-discovery and self-development

I would like to invite you to a beautiful Women’s Sanctuary. Inner Bloom is a safe place where you can learn, develop and connect with other women. The founders of this platform thought of every aspect of your life you might want to improve and gathered coaches to this one platform so you can access them and their content easily. I’m honoured and happy to be one of the featured coaches in this incredible community.  
Inner Bloom,a women's platform for self-discovery and self-development

Why I love Inner Bloom

I’m especially excited to be part of this community because we share 3 of my core beliefs. ...
from food obsession to food freedom

Dieting Diana and Balanced Bianca – from food obsession to food freedom

This blog post introduces the two extremes of my clients' journey from food obsession to food freedom. The starting point for many of them is food obsession, constant dieting or yo-yo dieting. This state is represented by Dieting Diana. The goal state is food freedom, which although can be defined in many ways, is simply the opposite of the above. This is what my clients reach after working with me and it's represented by Balanced Bianca. NOTE: I taught an entire class on Diana's and Bianca's case study (a.k.a. from food obsession to food freedom) and you can watch the replay HERE if you want to know how to become Balanced Bianka.  In this 1-hour class, I talked about 5 of the most common mistakes that dieters (e.g. Dieting Diana) make that drive them to overeat and how to fix these issues (what Balanced Bianca does). Change these and you are on your way to food freedom.  It's not the same content that you can read here. Let's see how these ladies eat, exercise, think, what they believe and how they relate to food and themselves.

Let me introduce you to Dieting Diana

  Diana really wants to have a better relationship with food. She would like to look at food as something just to feed her body and get some pleasure from. She doesn’t want it to be her main source of joy, comfort and reward. She wants to be able to enjoy food and have fun with her friends and family without thinking about what she’s eating or shouldn’t be eating all the time. She doesn’t want to think about food as something evil that makes her become out of control. Sometimes it feels like a monster takes over her body, and she can’t stop eating. She doesn’t even enjoy the food anymore but she just keeps eating. She knows it's possible to have a healthy relationship with food while also being at a healthy weight, but it seems really far away.   from food obsession to food freedom   ...
Breaking free from the fear of failure to overcome emotional eating

Breaking free from the fear of failure to overcome emotional eating

How the fear of failure may manifest itself in your life

Most of my clients shared the same initial fear before we began our work together: "What if I fail?" They worried about putting in tremendous effort, only to return to square one. Perhaps you can relate to this cycle of weight loss followed by weight gain, or the frustrating battle with overeating or binging that seems to resurface every few months. Fear of failure might manifest itself in thoughts and feelings that getting rid of your unwanted eating habits - is too difficult, - takes too long, - is impossible because you won’t have the willpower to do it, - means that you will have to deprive yourself. These negative thoughts and feelings will stop you either during the process or might even stop you before you get started.   Breaking free from the fear of failure to overcome emotional eating ...
From Stress to Success: How to Manage Emotional Eating for high-achievers

From Stress to Success: How to Manage Emotional Eating for High-Achievers

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating   Many high-achieving, successful people often face the challenge of overeating and emotional eating, even though they excel in other areas of their lives. In this blog post, I introduce the W.I.S.E.R. model as a tool to manage emotional eating for high-achievers.  

From Stress to Success: How to Manage Emotional Eating for High-Achievers

  You're driven by ambition, you are a successful self-made person but often find yourself struggling when it comes to managing your relationship with food. The pressure of your demanding career, your relentless pursuit of goals, and the constant juggling of responsibilities can lead to heightened stress and overwhelming emotions. Turning to food as a means to numb or distract yourself became your go-to coping mechanism. However, as you recognize the detrimental effects of emotional eating on your overall well-being, you want to find healthier ways to navigate intense emotions and stress. In this blog post, I'll introduce and dissect the W.I.S.E.R. model, offering step-by-step guidance on how to apply it when confronted with intense emotions and the urge to turn to food for comfort. It's a great tool to manage emotional eating for high-achievers. By the end of this blog post, you will have actionable insights and practical tools to help you navigate challenging moments and cultivate a healthier approach to emotional well-being and eating habits.   How to Manage Emotional Eating for high-achievers ...