Let me introduce you to these extremely simple vegan protein rich mini pancakes. They are my favorite Sunday breakfast when I want to eat something other than fruit, smoothie or oatmeal. These protein pancakes can easily keep me satiated till lunchtime. The fun part is pouring all kinds of yummy things on top of them. My two favorites are peanut butter plus berry sauce (frozen berries warmed up a bit) or plant based yogurt plus fruit. Mango or strawberries are sooo good. I’m sure you have your favorite combos too.
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I increased the protein content by adding vegan protein powder and flaxseeds to the batter. Flaxseeds are very healthy, we should eat 1 tablespoon every day, according to Dr. Michael Greger, famous American physician. He introduced the so called “daily dozen” foods, from which we should eat every day, if we want to be healthy. I will write about the daily dozen in a future post, so stay tuned 🙂
So why are these small seeds so healthy? They are one of the best sources of essential omega 3 fatty acids, they contain cancer preventing lignans, control the cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar level, anti-inflammatory and prevent constipation too.
The recipe for the pancakes is extremely simple: just blend the ingredients with a blender or hand held mixer and cook about one tablespoon amounts in a little coconut oil. Now comes the fun part, decorating them 🙂