how to lose weight withoiut a quick-fix diet

Why you need to abandon your quick fix diet now

20 simple habits to lose weight without dieting


Do you think you need a quick-fix diet program?

I have two questions for you today:

Have you dieted before? Did it work in the long term?

Of course, you can go on a fad diet and lose weight. But can you do it for the rest of your life? Diets work for a reason (for example you want to lose weight for an event) or for a season (e.g. summer). But if the chosen food and exercise plan isn´t sustainable for the rest of your life, eventually you will go back to your old habits and will gain the weight back.

Believe it or not, having a history of dieting can actually cause you to gain weight, instead of losing it. Sure, you might lose a few pounds in the short term, but most quick-fix diet programs fail and many people end up putting the weight back on.

How yo-yo dieting affects your body and mind

How yo-yo dieting affects your body and mind

20 simple habits to lose weight without dieting


Research shows that chronic dieting is harmful to your body and mind. However, yo-yo dieting, where you are constantly back and forth between being on and off a diet, can be even worse for you.

Yo-yo dieting is when you either constantly bounce to different types of diets, or you are on a perpetual restrict-and-binge cycle. Your body is going through a lot of changes at a rapid pace, which is definitely not good for you.

Let´s have a look at what happens in your body and mind when you yo-yo diet.