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Are you really hungry? The difference between physical and emotional hunger

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

This article will be sharing a few ways to know the difference between physical and emotional hunger.

The difference between physical and emotional hunger

Do you find yourself standing in front of the fridge or cupboard and looking for something to eat? As we stay at home more and have more time to cook and eat, unnecessary snacking and overeating are almost inevitable. In this post, I listed some possible reasons why we might feel like snacking more than usual.

Don’t beat yourself up if it happens to you, it’s completely normal. 🙂

However, if you want to reduce the occurrence, you might want to pay attention to your hunger. In my previous post, I said that we should ask ourselves whether we are physically or emotionally hungry before we start eating.

Related post  What triggers your overeating episodes? Want to know?
Related post  Overeating when you work from home - what to do to stop it

The problem is that we might not be able to distinguish between physical hunger and emotional (boredom, anxiety, stress, habitual, etc.) hunger or eating for pleasure. This can be really difficult if you use food regularly to distract yourself from or to suppress your feelings.

Looking into how you feel about eating is the first step in the direction of tackling these issues.

When you reach for something to eat, you want to know the real reason why you’re standing there in front of the refrigerator.

I listed some signs that can help you distinguish between emotional and physical hunger.

What Triggers Your Overeating Episodes? Want To Know?

What triggers your overeating episodes? Want to know?


free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating


This post will help you find your triggers for overeating and binging.

If you’re reading this, then chances are that you’ve probably begun the process of trying to find out why you are eating so much and why can’t you stop eating. Your overeating or binging habit may have started to affect your health and waistline too.

First I want to acknowledge that you’re taking these first steps to gain control over the habits that have formed over the course of a few years, and for some, a lifetime. Well done you!

So what can you do to get back in control and start eating normally again?

It´s not your fault that you struggle with food, your weight, and your body image (53)

How to stop overeating when you’re stuck at home

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating


Are you stuck at home and you can’t stop overeating or snacking?

When you’re stuck at home for some reason, many sources of pleasure and fun activities are removed from your life, e.g. social activities, travelling, going to restaurants, going to the gym, swimming pool, shopping, you name it.

No wonder eating has a more comforting, pleasure-giving role in your life now than it used to and this may result in eating more than usual.

overeating when you work from home

Overeating when you work from home – what to do to stop it

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

Do you work from home and find yourself overeating way too often? Do you snack all afternoon and stand in front of the fridge more often than you would like to admit?

If you want to prevent weight gain and want to stop unnecessary snacking when you work from home, you need to stop for a few seconds before you eat. Ask yourself: Am I hungry?

If yes, go ahead and eat something nutritious so you won´t get hungry again in a few minutes.


Take a deep breath and check in with your feelings/emotions? What do you feel? What do you think?

how to sop overeatinh with mindfulness

How to prevent or stop overeating with mindfulness – 5 simple steps

How to Stop Eating Your Feelings Workbook to discover what you are REALLY hungry for and finally break free from emotional and stress eating
Click on the image to get your copy


In my previous blog post, I showed you what self-sabotage is and the 5 reasons for overeating. Now you are probably wondering how to stop overeating. Here I show you a 5 step process to prevent or stop overeating using mindfulness. With the help of these tips, you will be able to separate the emotions that cause the overeating urge from the actual act.

how to stop overeating with mindfulness