Practicing gratitude to stop emotional eating

Practicing gratitude to stop emotional eating


Gratitude helps you see the positive aspects of your life, brightens your mood, and consequently reduces the need to eat to feel better.

How we feel – how happy we are, how stressed we are, even how well we sleep – may seem like it’s out of our hands, but it is actually often a choice we make. We can choose to be grateful for what we have and feel more blissful. Or we can choose to focus on what we’re lacking, who has wronged us, and what’s not going our way. And guess what? We’ll feel miserable. We may blame others, circumstances, or fate for our unhappiness. But at the end of the day, it’s often about us and the choices we make.

One of the simplest ways I find to be able to shift my mood is focusing on gratitude. Of course, sometimes that’s easier said than done.

But as a motivation to practice gratitude more often let’s see the benefits of gratitude, how you can easily integrate it into your life, and how practising gratitude helps to stop emotional eating.


how to chnage your negative thoughts

How to change your negative thoughts – the power of your mind

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating


In this post, I show you how to change the negative thoughts constantly popping up in your head.

Do you know the saying, “You are what you eat”? It’s so true. But you know what else is true? “You are what you think”.

Our brain is a supercomputer and it works tirelessly to realize the things we think of and repeatedly imagine about ourselves. If you keep having negative thoughts about yourself, for example, “I have a bad memory”, you surely won’t remember the name of your new acquaintances. Or if you tell yourself: “I’m a loser”, your brain will make sure it comes true too.

That’s why it’s extremely important to change your negative thoughts about yourself!

Your negative inner critic can really undermine your self-esteem and it can lead to low confidence, anxiety, self-sabotage, and even depression. If you want to lose weight or have a fitness goal, it is especially important to change your negative thoughts since they can make it really hard or even impossible to achieve your goals. In fact, when you start to crave unhealthy foods or habits, most of the time it is a sign of your inner critic’s actions.

you are what you think, how your thoughts affect your life, change negative thoughts