5 ways to start living mindfully to stop emotional eating

5 ways to start living mindfully right now to stop emotional eating

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating


In this post, I introduce 5 ways to start living mindfully to stop emotional eating, binge eating and habitual overeating.

There’s no doubt you’ve heard of mindful living. It’s about being present in your day-to-day life and not letting distractions or worries take over.

In my previous post, I talked about the many benefits of mindful living and showed 4 signs indicating that you live your life mindlessly. Being more mindful also helps with emotional eating and overeating.

If you want to live more mindfully to be able to stop emotional eating but don’t know where to start, try some of these exercises.

benefits of mindful living

The benefits of mindful living and 4 signs of living life mindlessly

The Benefits of Mindful Living


Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years. Mindful living is a practice that involves being fully aware of the present moment and turning your attention to the current experience.

The benefits of mindful living are endless. It can help you eat better, sleep better, and feel more connected to yourself and others. Mindful living also teaches you how to be more accepting of things that are out of your control.

Other benefits of mindful living are:

  • A more balanced life
  • More self-compassion and less self-criticism
  • Higher levels of creativity, focus, and productivity
  • A sense of connection with others and the world around you
  • Improved moods and overall well-being

For many people, mindful living is not natural. They tend to live on autopilot. The problem with this is that autopilot mode often amps you up.

can mindful eating help with emotional eating

Can mindful eating help with emotional eating? A mindful approach to curb emotional eating

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

Mindful Eating to Help Curb Emotional and Binge Eating

If you have developed the habit of emotional or binge eating, in other words, you immediately crave a specific type of food or volume of food when you are stressed, sad, anxious, upset, bored, or even happy, mindful eating can help you tremendously. Especially if you find yourself mindlessly eating a large amount of food without even tasting what you are eating.

It is important that you try a variety of things until you figure out what helps your own issues with emotional eating, but mindful eating is a great tool.

Related post  All you need to know about emotional eating
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