How to cope with emotions without food

How to cope with emotions without food – building emotional tolerance

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating


Let´s talk about feelings today. Specifically how to cope with emotions without food, i.e. how to deal with your uncomfortable feelings without eating.

As I mentioned in a previous post, emotional eating is one of the main reasons you might not be able to lose weight. You know how to eat healthily, you stick to your healthy habits most of the time but when something happens and triggers some uncomfortable feelings inside of you, you turn to food and overeat or even binge and you gain the weight back.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know what triggers these feelings and how to cope with these emotions without food.

overeating when you work from home

Overeating when you work from home – what to do to stop it

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

Do you work from home and find yourself overeating way too often? Do you snack all afternoon and stand in front of the fridge more often than you would like to admit?

If you want to prevent weight gain and want to stop unnecessary snacking when you work from home, you need to stop for a few seconds before you eat. Ask yourself: Am I hungry?

If yes, go ahead and eat something nutritious so you won´t get hungry again in a few minutes.


Take a deep breath and check in with your feelings/emotions? What do you feel? What do you think?

ovrwhelmed by negative emotions

What to do when you are overwhelmed by negative emotions

how to stop eating your feelings workbook, stop emotional eating, binge eating


Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, frustration, embarrassment, guilt, anxiety, you name it, can pop up in our lives unexpectedly at any time. Sometimes we become completely overwhelmed by these negative emotions. They might be caused by the people around us, the traffic, our jobs, an illness, the weather, and so on.

Unfortunately, we cannot control these circumstances but we can control how we react to them.

If you feel like you have no control over your reactions and emotions, don’t worry. These tips will improve your ability to mindfully walk through your feelings in a productive way.

I will show you how to develop the skills to feel your emotions without letting them control your behaviour.


What to do when you are overwhelmed by negative emotions? If you feel like you have no control over your reactions and emotions, don't worry. These tips will improve your ability to mindfully walk through your feelings in a productive way. I will show you how to develop the skills to feel your emotions without letting them control your behavior. #negativeemotions #overwhelmed #mindfulness