Mindfulness to food freedom

Do you want to end the struggle with emotional eating, i.e. eating when you are stressed, tired, lonely, bored, or angry?

Do you want to finally lose weight and keep it off too instead of trying all the diets without any permanent result?

You are at the right place. Harnessing the power of mindfulness can help you reach these goals.

Join the Mindfulness to Food Freedom course today to break free from your habitual overeating and emotional eating habits.

You are at the right place if

You have tried to lose weight and get healthy without long-term success.

When you manage to lose weight you always gain it back.

This leads to disappointment and frustration.

This is a vicious cycle because you conditioned yourself to comfort yourself with food. So you eat to feel better. 


Food is on your mind 24/7 and you constantly battle with your cravings.

You want to be free from dieting and just eat like a normal person and manage your weight effortlessly.

You want more energy, want to feel better in your skin, feel more confident and live life more fully.

The problem

When people decide to lose weight, they usually do a Google search, ask their friends or colleagues for advice, or check out social media to find out what diet, meal plan, or list of foods to stick to.

Unfortunately, these information sources are going to bombard you with the latest fad diet or magic pill promising to transform your body in no time.

The problem with these things is that they either do not work, have the potential to negatively affect your overall health, or are so extreme that there is no way you can stick to them long-term.

There are many reasons for this, from having restrictions that lead to binge eating, to how unrealistic it is to have so many rules about what you can and can’t eat.

Even if you find a reasonable diet plan that works for some time, you will have challenges that you are not prepared for because you are not aware of your eating habits.


What are these eating habits?


–           You have intense cravings for a specific type of food or volume of food when you are stressed, sad, anxious, lonely, upset, bored, or even happy.

–           You find yourself mindlessly eating a large amount of food without even realizing it and tasting what you are eating.

–           You often overeat because you find the food so delicious you can’t stop eating it.

–           You are either on a diet or completely off and out of control with food until you start your next diet again.

–           You start to feel like food controls you and you think about food all the time.

Mindfulness can help


Mindfulness, i.e. being in the present moment and paying attention to your food, thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and environment can eliminate all of these issues.

You don’t need a diet telling you to eat less or only specific foods and do rigorous exercise x times a week. This tactic requires a lot of willpower and willpower doesn’t last for long.

What you need is a sustainable approach that also answers the question of why you overeat. A method that helps you learn about your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

My innovative approach combines proven behavior-change strategies with the healthiest nutritional advice to reprogram both your mind and body, transforming your eating habits from the inside out.

The 3 elements of mindfulness we use

Being in the present and having deliberate awareness

Paying attention to your body’s sensations and signals, the food you eat, your thoughts, feelings, and environment on purpose.

Being curious and non-judgemental

Not seeing things as good or bad, nor through the filter of personal judgments based on past conditioning.

Being compassionate and kind to yourself

Instead of criticizing and beating yourself up for failure.

How they help

By applying these principles you will learn to be aware of your eating habits, i.e. how and when you eat instead of only what you eat. You’ll learn to recognize your body’s sensations and signals; when you’re really hungry as opposed to having an emotional craving, and when your body had enough food. You’ll also discover what you’re actually hungry for when you crave food without feeling physical hunger.

With a curious and non-judgemental attitude, you will treat every moment and every meal as a new opportunity to learn about your relationship with food and your body. Instead of giving up after a failure, you will take a day-by-day approach to gain the knowledge to do better next time.

Instead of criticizing and trying to whip your body into shape, you will learn to treat your body as worthy of care and love. You will be your own cheerleader in your journey towards your ideal body.

Ready to take back control?

Join the Mindfulness for Food Freedom course to transform your eating habits from the inside out.

I know how you feel, I´ve been there

I know what it´s like to feel out of control and powerless around food. It´s like a monster taking over you and you can´t stop eating and snacking.

I used to binge eat during my 20s because of restrictive diets and not feeling good enough.

I used to eat to relieve stress during my 30s while balancing demanding work, looking after our small children, and attending to all the other responsibilities.

I´m 46 now and I know how to stop emotional and binge eating. I’ve been free from these habits for many years.

I want the same for you.

I know you want to eat and feel normal again so badly but whenever you try to stop overeating, sooner or later you always fall back.

I know you are scared you would fail again.

It´s so ironic because you are so confident and successful in other areas of your life. Why can´t you figure out how to eat?

Why can´t you end the life long struggle around weight, dieting and body image obsession?

You want to stop thinking about food all day long and putting so much brain energy into food choices. 

You want to spend that mental energy on the things that really interests you and allow your light to shine again.

You long for a time when you can be the real you again.

You want food to be there to enjoy yourself, fuel your body, or have a nice dinner with friends and family. You want to stop putting so much emotional weight on food.  

You want to be able to disconnect mood from food.

Imagine a life without overeating


Imagine eating normally again without having to react to every negative situation with binging.

Without turning to ice cream when someone hurts or rejects you.

Without binging in the evening after a stressful day at work.

Without inhaling a bar of chocolate after your kids made you furious.

Without supressing your uncomfortable feelings with food.

As a side effect you’ve lost weight too because you stopped eating food that your body didn’t need.

If You Want Any or All of the Above, Then I‘d Love to Help You...

Join the Mindfulness for Food Freedom course to transform your eating habits from the inside out.

What's included?

13 video lessons and transcripts teaching you how to

  • – dissociate eating from your moods and emotions,
  • – use the “6-step to Stop Binge Eating Blueprint”,
  • – prepare for future overeating episodes,
  • – enjoy your food without overdoing it,
  • – use the power of pleasure,
  • – find motivation to exercise regularly,
  • – love and accept yourself without giving up your body goals.

Additional resources:

  • – Affirmations to trust and accept yourself as you are
  • – ‘Mindful eating’ visualization – affirmations – meditation
  • – ‘Feeling your feelings instead of eating them’ meditation
  • – Journals and worksheets to do the exercises

Changing your overeating habit, especially if it has emotional reasons, may take a long time, so celebrate all your small wins along the way (not with food though :-))

However, if you don’t see any improvement after 60 days and you have completed all assessments and practiced the exercises, I give your money back.

Send me an email, provide your feedback, and you will promptly be given a full refund.

Who is Rita May

I’m a Nutrition and Diet Advisor, Health Coach, and Life Coach specializing in emotional eating, developing a healthy relationship with food, and plant-based nutrition.

I use nutrition, psychology, and spirituality in my work because I believe that all three are necessary for wellness.

I help busy and driven female professionals, entrepreneurs, and hard-working mothers to find time and motivation to eat a balanced diet and transform their relationship with food.

I help you reprogram your mind so you can break free from emotional eating and lose weight (if needed).

To sum it all up

Isn’t it time to enjoy eating without feeling guilty and to know how not to overdo it or eat mindlessly in a fog?

Knowing what triggers your overeating and having the tools to finally stop it? 

It’s time to finally feel free around food.

Once you know how to listen to your clever body and nourish it, healthy eating will no longer be something you should do

It’ll be something you want to do and can do naturally.


Because you’ll feel good about yourself, your body, and about what, how, and why you’re eating.

Ready to be free around food?

Join the Mindfulness for Food Freedom course to transform your eating habits for good.