healthy habits for weight loss

5 smart tips for guaranteed long-term weight loss success – no deprivation needed

Follow these no-nonsense tips for guaranteed long-term weight loss success Losing weight can take a lot out of you, physically,…

3 years ago

Are you stuck at a weight? How can you lower your weight set-point?

The weight set-point theory Have you heard of the weight set-point theory? According to this theory, there is a weight…

4 years ago

Why you need to abandon your quick fix diet now

  Do you think you need a quick-fix diet program? I have two questions for you today: Have you dieted before?…

4 years ago

How to curb food cravings during weight loss – a powerful mindset shift

Food Craving during weight loss Let´s talk about food cravings during weight loss today because I get a lot of…

4 years ago