benefits of mindful living

The benefits of mindful living and 4 signs of living life mindlessly

The Benefits of Mindful Living


Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years. Mindful living is a practice that involves being fully aware of the present moment and turning your attention to the current experience.

The benefits of mindful living are endless. It can help you eat better, sleep better, and feel more connected to yourself and others. Mindful living also teaches you how to be more accepting of things that are out of your control.

Other benefits of mindful living are:

  • A more balanced life
  • More self-compassion and less self-criticism
  • Higher levels of creativity, focus, and productivity
  • A sense of connection with others and the world around you
  • Improved moods and overall well-being

For many people, mindful living is not natural. They tend to live on autopilot. The problem with this is that autopilot mode often amps you up.

the connection between hating your body and emotional eating

Hating your body and emotional eating – is there a connection between them?

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

In this post, I write about the connection between hating your body and emotional eating.

Many people go through life body shaming themselves because they are a few pounds or several pounds heavier than they would like to be or they are not where they were ten years ago.

Of course, hearing their own voice saying negative things about themselves in their head many times a day will make them feel miserable and they might even feel like a failure.  A common way people deal with difficult emotions and negative self-image is ironically: (binge) eating. Eating is an inexpensive, quick, easy, and reliable way to temporarily take away the pain and hurt of how we feel.

ovrwhelmed by negative emotions

What to do when you are overwhelmed by negative emotions

how to stop eating your feelings workbook, stop emotional eating, binge eating


Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, frustration, embarrassment, guilt, anxiety, you name it, can pop up in our lives unexpectedly at any time. Sometimes we become completely overwhelmed by these negative emotions. They might be caused by the people around us, the traffic, our jobs, an illness, the weather, and so on.

Unfortunately, we cannot control these circumstances but we can control how we react to them.

If you feel like you have no control over your reactions and emotions, don’t worry. These tips will improve your ability to mindfully walk through your feelings in a productive way.

I will show you how to develop the skills to feel your emotions without letting them control your behaviour.


What to do when you are overwhelmed by negative emotions? If you feel like you have no control over your reactions and emotions, don't worry. These tips will improve your ability to mindfully walk through your feelings in a productive way. I will show you how to develop the skills to feel your emotions without letting them control your behavior. #negativeemotions #overwhelmed #mindfulness

how to sop overeatinh with mindfulness

How to prevent or stop overeating with mindfulness – 5 simple steps

How to Stop Eating Your Feelings Workbook to discover what you are REALLY hungry for and finally break free from emotional and stress eating
Click on the image to get your copy


In my previous blog post, I showed you what self-sabotage is and the 5 reasons for overeating. Now you are probably wondering how to stop overeating. Here I show you a 5 step process to prevent or stop overeating using mindfulness. With the help of these tips, you will be able to separate the emotions that cause the overeating urge from the actual act.

how to stop overeating with mindfulness