How to stop eating your feelings workbook

How to stop eating your feelings workbook

Isn’t it time to enjoy eating without feeling guilty and  overdoing it all the time? To live freely without the never-ending food chatter in your head, cravings, deprivation, punishments, and meal plans?

This workbook you will enable you to break free from the constant struggle of emotional and binge eating for good.

What can this ebook do for you?

If you’re reading this, you’ve begun the process of trying to find out why you can’t stop eating even if you want to. Your emotional eating or binging habit may have started to affect your health and waistline too.

First, I want to acknowledge that you’re taking these first steps to gain control over the habits that have formed over the course of a few years, or maybe even a lifetime. 

Well done you! You are already ahead of most people having this issue. 

You have decided that you´re done with fad diets and you´ll do the work and will take the time to finally break free form your emotional and/or binge eating habits. 

Congratulations! You´ll make it this time!

I know how you feel, I´ve been there

I know what it´s like to feel out of control and powerless around food. It´s like a monster taking over you and you can´t stop eating and snacking.

I used to binge eat during my 20s because of restrictive diets and not feeling good enough.

I used to eat to relieve stress during my 30s while balancing demanding work, looking after our small children, and attending to all the other responsibilities.

I´m 48 now and I know how to stop emotional and binge eating. I’ve been free from these habits for many years.

I want the same for you.

I know you want to eat and feel normal again so badly but whenever you try to stop overeating, sooner or later you always fall back.

You just don´t know what to do with all those intense emotions without numbing them with food. 

I know you are scared you would fail again.

It´s so ironic because you are so confident and successful in other areas of your life. Why can´t you figure out how to eat?

Why can´t you end the life long struggle around weight, dieting and body image obsession?

You want to stop thinking about food all day long and putting so much brain energy into food choices. You want to think about your to-do list first thing in the morning instead of what to eat. Wouldn´t it be nice to go to bed and not think about what you ate and what you´re going to eat tomorrow?

You want to spend that mental energy on the things that really interests you and allow your light to shine again.

You long for a time when you can be the real you again.

You want food to be there to enjoy yourself, fuel your body, or have a nice dinner with friends and family. You want to stop putting so much emotional weight on food.  

You want to be able to disconnect mood from food.

You can do it! Imagine a life without overeating

Imagine eating normally again without having to react to every negative situation with overeating.

Without turning to ice cream when someone hurts or rejects you.

Without binging in the evening after a tiring day at work.

Without inhaling a bar of chocolate after your kids made you furious.

Without ever feeling out of control around food again and without feeling numb to the world around you.

Imagine never feeling like you can´t stop eating anymore. Or never sneaking out to the kitchen to eat more when nobody is looking. And never having to hide empty packaging again.

Imagine being able to choose food based on its taste and what you feel like eating instead of its calorie content.

Imagine having more self-esteem, feeling stronger, and having more mental space than you thought you would ever have.

You wonder why you are doing something you don’t really want to do and you might even think that something is wrong with you.

There is nothing wrong with you!

Emotional and binge eating are only habits that you developed at some point in your life. This ebook provides you with the system and tools to discover why you developed this habit, and how to stop doing it. It also helps you understand your food story, your beliefs about yourself, your body, weight, and your relationship with food so you can stop self-sabotaging yourself.

No matter how many times you tried to stop self-soothing yourself with food, you always self-sabotaged yourself.

 This led to disappointment and you became frustrated and felt like a failure.

This is a vicious cycle because you conditioned yourself to suppress your bad feelings with food. That’s the only way you can make yourself feel better.  Temporarily.

Food is on your mind 24/7 and you constantly battle with your cravings.

You sabotage your attempts to improve yourselves and you have no idea why you keep doing this, you feel like something is wrong with you.

You keep thinking: Why am I acting like my own enemy?

I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you.

You are perfect as you are now!

It’s only a habit that you can give up with the help of this workbook.

If I could do it, you can too.

You will be pleasantly surprised that weight loss will be the by-product of becoming a person who isn’t so compulsive and impulsive around food. 

Is this you?

You want to stop feeling disconnected from other people and keeping your habit a secret. It´s so sad that you can´t talk about it with anyone because you feel shame about it. 

You want to stop feeling bad about yourself first thing in the morning and feel bad about yourself when you go to bed. 

You want to end all the stress caused by having to constantly moderate yourself, the shame and the never ending background noise filling your head. This stress causes sleep problems, anxiety, adrenal dysfunction and thyroid problems. It also distracts you from the important things in your life, like family, friends, social life, traveling, studying or your career.

You want to be just free. You want to be able to say yes to a spontaneous dinner invitation or any other social event. You want the freedom to enjoy life fully and freely without all the made-up rules.

You want to stop spending all that money on food your body doesn´t need, on the newest diet programs and books to lose weight, on therapy, eating disorder groups and you want to stop spending thousands of hours researching.

You don´t want your children learn your disordered eating habits from you.

I can help you!

“I read Rita’s workbook while traveling by train and I had time to really think about what she was saying. It has been very interesting getting to know myself through my eating habits. I gained insight into some reactions I didn’t know I had. Some situations suddenly became manageable, some reactions and impulses so clear. But what I liked the most is that I started transferring her questions into a broader spectrum of my life. Eating is a very intimate habit, and as such, Rita's workbook is very valuable for one's emotional journeys.”
Adrina Gomez

What's included?

A 9-chapter printable workbook with powerful exercises teaching you how to

  • – stop binge eating and overeating for good,
  • – dissociate eating from your moods and emotions,
  • – know what to do when you feel out of control,
  • – enjoy food without overeating,
  • – stop self-sabotaging yourself,
  • – not use food as me-time anymore and
  • – love and accept yourself now without giving up your body goals.


3 Video Lessons

  • Emotional vs. Physical Hunger Cheat Sheet
  • Self-Care Tracker
  • Coloring Pages
  • Food & Lifestyle Journal
  • Discover Your Purpose Guide

Who this is not for:

But this is for you if:

Changing your overeating habit, especially if it has emotional reasons, may take a long time, so celebrate all your small wins along the way.

However, if you don’t see any improvement after 60 days, I give your money back.

Send me an email, provide your feedback, and you will promptly be given a full refund.

If you do the exercises in this workbook, by the end:

Who is Rita May

I´m a Nutrition and Diet Advisor and Health Coach specializing in emotional and binge eating, and weight loss without dieting. I use nutrition, psychology and brain science in my work because I believe that all three are necessary for wellness. 

I help busy and driven female professionals, entrepreneurs and hard working mothers to transform their relationship with food.

I help you reprogram your mind so you can break free from the usual food issues, such as overeating, emotional and binge eating, bulimia, and food obsession.

I teach you how to lose weight without following restrictive diets because these diets often lead to eating disorders. Instead, we break the habits that are causing weight gain and build new, healthy habits. 

To sum it all up

Isn’t it time to end the punishment, deprivation, obsession and meal plans and just enjoy eating without feeling guilty?

After doing the exercises in this workbook you will feel like you´ve found your true self again, you´ve got your life back, you´ve regained your energy and enthusiasm and will feel optimistic about your future

If you want to be able to disconnect your mood from food, end the mood swings that binging made you have, be present and loving in your relationships rather than most of your thoughts being on either trying to get food or avoid food, you will love that I specifically designed this workbook and the additional resources to teach you that. 

It is time to enjoy life freely and fully without all the food issues holding you back?

Disclaimer: This book was not written to treat those suffering from clinical eating disorders. The information in this book is for educational purposes to help deal with overeating and binging, emotional eating, endless dieting and body image issues.