7 Instant Energy Smoothies for Moms

Are you a busy mom trying to squeeze as much into a day as possible, juggling work, cooking, looking after kids, fitness, relationships, and more?  I created these 7 instant energy smoothies for moms like YOU. These 7 smoothies are full of energy-boosting, nutrient-rich ingredients, helping you jumpstart each day of the week.

Let’s do a 7 Day Smoothie Challenge for energy!

But don’t do it with store-bought smoothies, please! Those are full of sugar and they contain hardly any fiber, protein, or healthy fats. It takes only a few minutes to make your own healthy and delicious smoothie, you can even make them in the evening. If you keep it in the fridge in a mason jar, you just need to shake it in the morning and it’s ready to drink.

7 instant energy smoothies for moms, smoothie challenge, smoothies for energy, #smoothie #smoothiechallenge

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Benefits of smoothies

  • Smoothies are nutrient-dense, tasty, portable, and easy-to-make meals.
  • A great benefit of a smoothie breakfast is that you can drink them while you are getting ready, on the way to work, at the computer, while playing with your child, you name it. However, make sure that you drink it slowly. Drink it as you would eat a creamy soup. Remember, these smoothies contain a lot of fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats, so sip them slowly as you were eating them.
  • We blend these whole food ingredients so we can assimilate the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients easier, therefore we get instant energy from these smoothies.

Smoothies also re-balance the digestive system, so you will eliminate post-meal gas or bloating and constipation by drinking a smoothie for breakfast.

  • All of them contain some kind of leafy greens because they are the healthiest foods you can eat. See here why.  We should eat some kind of greens every day, however, not everyone likes salads. In a smoothie, you can blend up your alkalizing leafy greens and you won’t even taste them.

Related post  What is the equation of nutrient dense healthy eating?
  • These smoothies contain protein to keep you satiated during the morning and healthy fats to boost your immune system and balance your hormones. We mothers really need these ingredients. Just think about all the germs our kids bring home from school and the monthly visit of your PMS.
  • 60-80% of our immune strength comes from our gut in the form of good bacteria, or microflora, colonizing in our intestines. When these bacteria are not happy, our immune system becomes weak.

Neurotransmitters are also located in our gut. Those neurotransmitters, the network of neurons lining our gut, are nicknamed by some scientists as our “second brain”. They are responsible for our mood, hormonal balance, digestion, anxiety, depression, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, chronic fatigue, even skin, and hair health.

With a whole food homemade smoothie, you give your gut everything it needs to work properly. Alkalizing greens, plant-based proteins, healthy fats, and fruits packed with nutrients.

  • If you are worried about the fruit (sugar) content of these smoothies, then let me reassure you that these smoothies are not equal to fruit juices, which would really increase your blood sugar.

First, these smoothies contain the whole fruit with all the fiber, which naturally slows the absorption of both glucose and fructose into the body.

Second, these smoothies also contain plant-based proteins, fibers (from vegetables and seeds), and healthy fats, which also decrease the glycemic load.

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  • It’s easy to sneak super greens, maca, acai powder, chia, flaxseed, plant-based protein powders, and other superfoods into smoothies. These smoothies will help you wean yourself off of sugar, support weight loss, they will fuel your brain, neutralize free-radical damage and give your skin a noticeable glow.
  • Smoothies can be adapted for every kind of diet – vegan, keto, paleo, gluten-free, vegetarian, low-carb, high-protein, low fat.

Related post  My personal experience with various vegan diets - HCLF, Raw, High-Protein, Low-Carb
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Instant Energy For Busy Moms, 7 day smoothie challenge, #smoothie #smoothiechallnge

My recommendations for the 7 Day Instant Energy Smoothies for Moms Challenge

1.   Make one instant energy smoothie every day for breakfast for the next seven days. I recommend drinking your smoothies for breakfast, but if this doesn’t work for you, you can have it in the afternoon too. Smoothies that are a little sweeter (higher in sugar) are perfect post-workout meals.

2. SIP your smoothies slowly. These smoothies contain lots of veggies, fruits, healthy fats, and proteins, so drink them as if you were eating them.

3.  Eat healthy food during the day too. If you need some ideas about how I have a 7-day healthy eating meal plan for you.

Related post  Vegan meal plans and cookbooks for different diets

4. You can change the ingredients of the smoothies as long as the new ingredients are also whole foods.

5. I would love to see your smoothies on social media 🙂 Share your creations with the hashtags #ritamayblogsmoothies with us.  You can also share your pictures and how much more energy you have on my Facebook page!

Ready to tackle your days full of energy? Let’s get started with the 7-day instant energy smoothie challenge! Sign up here so I can send you the recipes.

Instant Energy For Busy Moms, 7 day smoothie challenge

Day 1 Vitamin bomb smoothie

Vitamine bomb smoothie, kale, pear, ginger, turmeric, smoothie challenge #smoothiechallenge #smoothie

Day 2 Raspberry-blueberry smoothie

Raspberry blueberry smoothie, hemp seed, chia, flax seed, instant energy smoothies for moms

Day 3 Creamy chocolate smoothie

creamy chocolate smoothie, instant energy smoothie challenge #smoothie, #smothiechallenge

Day 4 Carrot cake smoothie

Carrot cake smoothie, protein smoothie, #smoothiechallenge #smoothie

Day 5 Pina colada smoothie

Pina colada smoothie, instant energy smoothie challenge for moms, #smoothiechallenge #smoothie

Day 6 Purple power smoothie

Purple power smoothie, instant energy smoothie for moms, beetroot smoothie, beet smoothie #smoothie #smoothiechallenge

Day 7 Sunshine smoothie

Sunshine smoothie,, mango smoothie, #smoothiechallenge, #smoothie

You will also get a Free Printable Instant Energy Grocery List to help you go shopping for this!

I can’t wait to get started on this and see all your amazing photos!! Who’s in?! If you’re in and excited, all you need to do is sign up here!!

Instant Energy For Busy Moms, 7 day smoothie challenge

Please share the challenge on social media to spread the healthy lifestyle message with the world. Thank you so much!

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7 instant energy smoothies for moms, smoothies for energy, #smoothie #smoothiechallenge


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Picture of Rita May

Rita May

Hi! I'm so happy to see you here! I hope you come back often.

I help busy and driven female professionals, entrepreneurs and hard working mothers to find time and motivation to eat a balanced diet and transform their relationship with food.

I help you reprogram your mind so you stop emotional eating.

I teach you to stop the negative self-talk and take good care of yourself so food is not your main pleasure source.

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