motivation to exercise and eat healthily

Motivation to exercise and eat healthily

20 simple habits to lose weight without dieting

I lost the motivation to exercise and eat healthily for a month. In this post, I show you how I found motivation again and how you can too.

I lost the motivation to exercise and eat healthily for a month

During the first three months of this year, I was really motivated to eat healthily and exercised about 6 times a week.

Then came the 2 weeks long Easter holiday. We traveled a lot and spent 10 days at my parents’ house, where we had way too much delicious and not-so-healthy food. Apart from the occasional walks, I did not exercise at all.

When we came home I didn’t have any desire to do any sport whatsoever. I sometimes walked for an hour or so but very rarely. I also had my birthday the week after we came home, so I had a gorgeous cake and just ate too much in general. The result: I gained about 2-3 kilos (about 4-6 pounds) during the last 5 weeks. I don’t measure myself but my clothes are very tight.

I started to research how to motivate myself to get back to eating healthily and exercise regularly.

Related post  5 reasons for overeating and self-sabotaging yourself
Related post  How to prevent or stop overeating with mindfulness - 5 simple steps

9 tips to get motivated to exercise and eat healthy food again

Get rid of bad habits with the power of your brain

Use your brain to get rid of bad habits – 5 effective steps

How to get rid of bad habits

This post is about how to get rid of bad habits by using neuroplasticity.

Our brain is amazing. It waits for our orders patiently and executes them diligently. The brain controls automatically our breathing, heart, and digestive system and it processes all the information coming from our sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin). We can learn new things, remember old experiences, recognize objects and people all because of our brain.

If our brain is so powerful, why is it not able to make us happy? Why can’t we use our brain to get rid of our bad habits, such as smoking, overeating, drinking, procrastinating, overspending, laziness, swearing, nail-biting, worrying, being late all the time? Why doesn’t it help us eliminate depression, frustration, fear, and other unpleasant mind states?

Stick to your resolutions break bad habits, get rid of bad habits

egészséges étrend

What is the equation of nutrient dense healthy eating?

Did you know that there is an equation describing the nutrient dense healthy foods and differentiating them from not so healthy and junk food. I will show you this system in this post.

Cardiovascular disease causes 1 of every 3 deaths in the US. Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and is responsible for about 1 in 6 deathsI have friends in their 30s who are battling with cancer. IT IS SCARY! In my family almost everyone has some kind of cardiovascular disease or diabetes or both. The parents of my friends/classmates started to die due to the mentioned diseases.

It is very worrying. I have always been interested in healthy eating and lifestyle but mainly because of vanity; just wanted to look young and slim. But now I feel I need to take the healthy side of it really seriously. I started to research the topic more deeply and I’m going to share with you what I learned. 

7 days meal plan for weight loss, nutrient dense healthy meal plan

You can get the meal plan here.