It´s not your fault that you struggle with food, your weight, and your body image

Rfree training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

It´s not your fault that you struggle with food and overeating and your weight no matter how many times and how hard you tried to get this sorted out before. It´s not your fault!

The problem is that the tools and solutions you tried in the past did not address the real cause of your struggle with food

You almost certainly tried diets in the past that told you what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, and how to exercise but they ignored what actually drove you to overeat.

These diets work for a while but then you just can´t stick to them anymore, you lose your willpower and return to your old habits. Why is that? Is it because you don´t have enough willpower? Or because you are weak and lazy? Or you just can´t stick to any plan? Definitely none of these!

It´s because you have not figured out why you tend to eat too much food when you are stressed, angry, lonely or even happy. They tell you what to eat but first, you need to find out what´s eating you. Without knowing this, no amount of willpower will be enough to stop you from overeating. You have been searching for the answer in the wrong place. It´s not your fault.

Related post  How yo-yo dieting affects your body and mind

it´s not your fault that you struggle with food

Your disempowering beliefs keep you stuck

If you want to change your results don´t focus on your behaviours, focus on the beliefs that drive these behaviours

Our limiting, disempowering beliefs stop us from taking action when we want to do something new based on past (negative) experiences. Our brain’s most important tasks are to protect us from pain and to seek pleasure. Eating is no different; we eat to avoid pain (hunger) and to find pleasure in delicious food.

If you dieted before or tried to stop overeating and failed every single time, your brain sees that as pain and wants to protect you from this pain. So it creates beliefs that cause you to think “I can´t do this, I don´t have enough willpower, Nothing works for me”. These beliefs make you give up and not even try to change or if you try to change, you self-sabotage your efforts. And your struggle with food, eating, weight, and body image starts.

These limiting beliefs about yourself, your weight, and your body can originate from fear of failure (you tried to stop overeating many times and always failed, why would it work this time), fear of success (people will not like you if you change), lack of self-worth (you don´t deserve to have everything you want in your life) and many more reasons.


It is crucial that you find these disempowering negative beliefs about yourself and replace them with positive, empowering beliefs to end your struggle with food

Remember, as long as you believe something, your brain automatically searches for references to validate your belief and filters everything out that would question it, regardless of your belief being positive or negative.

I hope now you see that figuring out why you eat when you are not physically hungry starts with your beliefs. The beliefs that gave you the results you see today, your body, your weight, and how you feel about yourself.

Related post  Hating your body and emotional eating - is there a connection between them?


struggle with food, disempowering beliefs


The inner work to change these beliefs

If you want to have a real transformation, you need to work on your mindset and update your beliefs.

A big portion of this inner work involves positive affirmations.

You use these affirmations like personal mantras. Every time you notice a negative thought emerge about your body, your eating, or your life (that normally would make you feel bad and drive you to comfort yourself with food), you replace those thoughts with affirmations you purposefully chose for those situations.

Instead of going through each day on autopilot and thinking about food, movement, and your body as you’ve done for decades, you’ll remind yourself that you’re changing your mindset now.


Rewire your brain to think differently

It takes time to finally start believing more positive thoughts about yourself and override the lessons learned in your youth. It takes time to overcome the fear or shame instilled in you by misguided people.

To be honest, it takes great effort to change your mind after following diet culture rules for such a long time. You need to train your brain like you train your muscles.

The good news is that it’s completely worth it.

I specifically designed this collection of affirmations to reprogram your mind around food, your body and your life. They are the antidotes to the most common negative beliefs and thoughts about body image, weight loss and habit changes.

My clients absolutely love these affirmations. I make personalized affirmation videos and audio recordings for my private clients to retrain their thoughts and beliefs that are holding them back.

Now you can have a taste of these for a fraction of the price.


affirmations for better relationship with food and body


These affirmations can really help you change the script. The beliefs we cling to and the stories we tell ourselves really matter.

What we tell ourselves shapes and creates our life.

Fortunately, what we tell ourselves also happens to be one of the things that we can actually change!

You can find inspiration in these nearly 400 affirmations to change the script running in your head.

You will find 1 video, 2 audio recordings and more than 300 written affirmations beautifully formatted on printable pages. This way you can listen to and also read these mantras every day to reprogram your unconscious mind. This way the hard inner work becomes much easier and the desired results come faster.


Further support


The How to stop eating your feelings workbook can help you stop emotional and binge eating. One of the chapters is about disempowering beliefs. 

It will guide you through a process of

– finding the deep-rooted beliefs about food, yourself, your weight, and your body,
– identifying your disempowering beliefs,
– deleting these limiting beliefs,
– replacing them with empowering positive beliefs, and
– finally strengthening these positive beliefs.

If you do the exercises in the workbook you will get to the root of your issues with food, body, and weight and you can finally leave behind this struggle. You will be able to eat normally again and not think about food all the time. You will have time and energy for the things that are really important in your life.

How to stop eating your feelings workbook to stop eamotional eating and binge eating

Free training

This free training will show you the exact steps to stop feeling out of control around food and eliminate emotional eating, stress eating, and binge eating.

free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

Private coaching

If you want real transformation and personal guidance and support, consider working privately in a 1 on 1 setting.

My 12-week  coaching program is a unique blend of nutrition, eating psychology, behaviour change, and brain science to support you in reaching your goal.

The program involves basic nutritional education, learning to cope with your feelings without food, stress management, and mindset hacks to finally break free from emotional- and stress-eating.

Feel free to book a free 60-minute discovery call here to discuss your specific issues and needs.



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Related post  Hating your body and emotional eating - is there a connection between them?


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A free chapter and 3 free videos to help you stop emotional and binge eating

20 habits to lose weight without dieting for those who have always struggled losing weight

How to stop eating your feelings workbook to break free from emotional and binge eating

permanent weight loss without dieting course

Picture of Rita May

Rita May

Hi! I'm so happy to see you here! I hope you come back often.

I help busy and driven female professionals, entrepreneurs and hard working mothers to find time and motivation to eat a balanced diet and transform their relationship with food.

I help you reprogram your mind so you stop emotional eating.

I teach you to stop the negative self-talk and take good care of yourself so food is not your main pleasure source.

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