The 5 secrets of successful people

Have you ever noticed that some people can achieve so much, while others cannot seem to get any further?

Here are 5 secrets of those highly successful people. These are practically mindset tricks to make your mind conquer your procrastination and take control of your tasks.

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In a previous post, I showed you how to increase your happiness and confidence according to Marisa Peer, the famous British psychiatrist. She has treated many famous people, including Hollywood stars, billionaires, and even royal family members.

Now I show you her 5 tips to become more successful.

Related post  Increase your happiness and confidence with these 3 simple life changing tips

how to be more successful, 5 secrets

5 secrets of successful people

1. Do what you hate

Successful people do what they hate to be able to do later what they love. For example, if they don’t have the money to start their dream business, they save money first doing something they don’t like.

Often there is something, that we don’t like to do, between our current state and our goals. For example working at the weekend, learning, organizing, diet, sport, etc. Successful people do these tasks because reaching their goals motivates them.

They have learned to change their mindset so they don’t treat doing these tasks as suffering, only as a stepping stone in the direction of their goals.

2. The power of positive affirmations

They repeat positive affirmations in their head until they believe what they are saying. For example: “I love these healthy, nutritious foods”, “My body loves moving, doing sport”, “I love my job”, etc. Our mind can’t distinguish between reality and our affirmations, it believes what it hears from us.

Try this experiment: one morning tell yourself that “I hate my job, I don’t want to go to work”, and you will feel awful all day. Another morning tell yourself: “I love my job, I love my job…”  and you will feel much better and you will also get much more done at work. Just try it! You can’t lose anything 🙂

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3. Slay the dragon first thing in the morning

Research shows that you should start the day with what you want to do the least because you can concentrate the best in the morning. You fear or procrastinate the most difficult tasks and then they hang over your head all day.

If you slay this “dragon” already in the morning, the rest of the day will be much more easy and pleasant. You will not have to think about the dreaded task anymore, you can enjoy the rest of the day. You will be also proud of your achievement, which in turn will increase your confidence.

slaying the dragon in the morning, the secret of successful people
Photo by Clint Bustrillos on Unsplash

4. Don’t accept “no” as an answer

The 4th secret of successful people is: they don’t accept “no” as an answer. When they are rejected, they didn’t get a job or deal, or they were told that they are not suitable for something, they do not get discouraged. They don’t give up their dreams and goals.

They accept the critique, change, and improve themselves or they find another way to get what they want. Nobody and nothing can stop them.  They do something every day that brings them closer to their goals. It could be something very small one day and a huge effort another day but they don’t lose their momentum.

5. Make the unusual usual and the usual unusual

This is my personal favorite, this is so good.

The brain likes usual things, routines and avoids unusual situations because they might be a source of danger.  As I wrote before, the most important job of the brain is to protect us from danger. Therefore it tries to prevent us from doing unusual, potentially dangerous things and it makes us repeat the usual, “safe” activities that it knows.

To trick this protective mechanism of our brains we need to make the unusual things usual and our usual behavior unusual.

If we repeat an unusual activity, such as sport, giving up sugar, alcohol, learning a new language, reading, or learning something every day, consistently, these activities will become usual and natural.

In turn, the old, usual activities, for example, sweet or salty snacks and alcohol in the evening while watching tv, become unusual and rare.

Which tip is your favorite? Do you have a tip to be more successful?

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5 tips to be more successful, the secret of successful people

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I wish you every success!

5 secrets of successful people to follow to be more successful in 20195 secrets of successful people to be more successful in 2019

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Picture of Rita May

Rita May

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I help busy and driven female professionals, entrepreneurs and hard working mothers to find time and motivation to eat a balanced diet and transform their relationship with food.

I help you reprogram your mind so you stop emotional eating.

I teach you to stop the negative self-talk and take good care of yourself so food is not your main pleasure source.

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