Why you need to abandon your quick fix diet now

20 simple habits to lose weight without dieting


Do you think you need a quick-fix diet program?

I have two questions for you today:

Have you dieted before? Did it work in the long term?

Of course, you can go on a fad diet and lose weight. But can you do it for the rest of your life? Diets work for a reason (for example you want to lose weight for an event) or for a season (e.g. summer). But if the chosen food and exercise plan isn´t sustainable for the rest of your life, eventually you will go back to your old habits and will gain the weight back.

Believe it or not, having a history of dieting can actually cause you to gain weight, instead of losing it. Sure, you might lose a few pounds in the short term, but most quick-fix diet programs fail and many people end up putting the weight back on.

why you need to abandon your quick fix diet now


Most diets fail

A lot of those people gain even more weight than when they started, due to the refeeding period after restricting.

Your body will hold on to all the food in fear of another famine period, which can lead to many issues with overeating and not understanding when your body is full.

yo-yo dieting because of quick-fix diet programs


NOTE: In this 1-hour live class, I talked about 5 of the most common mistakes that dieters make that drive them to overeat and how to fix these issues. Change these and you are on your way to food freedom (a.k.a. eating the way you want to eat instead of how your cravings make you eat).
You can watch the recording of this class here


For sustainable, long-term weight loss you need to give up dieting

You need to build healthy habits that you can stick to most of the time in the long term instead. You want to take imperfect action TODAY and then improve it later.

If you can only eat two salad leaves today as your vegetable for the day it´s still better than no vegetable at all. Maybe the next day you can add a few slices of cucumber too or a piece of fruit.

Think about it in the long term. What kind of food plan (not diet) can you go on that you can sustain for the rest of your life.

What kind of exercise routine can you start that you can commit to doing at least 3x a week. If you are out of shape or extremely busy start with walking for 10 minutes 3x a week. Anyone can do that. You can even walk in place in front of the TV for 10 minutes. When it becomes easy add to it. Increase the time or intensity of your workout or add a new kind of exercise.

Related post  It´s not your fault that you struggle with food, your weight, and your body image

First, you have to develop the habit, and then the habit will develop you

In the Healthy Habits for Permanent Weight Loss course, I teach you how to decide what imperfect action to take, how to evaluate whether it´s working for you or not, and how to tweak your actions effectively so you don´t waste months or even years spinning your wheels.

You tried to lose weight and overcome your emotional eating before but it seems like you always end up back where you started instead.

And it feels like no matter what you try, you just can’t seem to crack the secret of changing your habits.

Until now.

I will teach you how to change mentally and physically. It´s not a diet, especially not a quick-fix diet program. It´s a way of life.

What I teach you will fit into your lifestyle even if you are very busy and if you have kids and a career. You can do it, no excuses.

Related post  Why you are not losing weight - the 4 big problems


how to lose weight without quick fix diets


How long does it take to change a habit?

They say it takes 21 days to change a habit, but in reality, it takes between 66 to 365 days to rewire neurological networks to a new setpoint. But if you diet for 2-3 or even 4 weeks using willpower and persistence it won´t be enough. These are the weakest of the neuro “muscles”.

By 4-5 o´clock, you usually use up your willpower and decision-making ability. If you are in front of sugar, fat, and white flour-containing processed foods, dopamine gets released in your brain. Dopamine is released when your brain is expecting a reward. When you associate a certain activity with pleasure, mere anticipation is enough to raise dopamine levels. The anticipation of eating that food becomes almost unbearable. Willpower is not enough anymore.


NOTE: In this 1-hour live class, I talked about 5 of the most common mistakes that dieters make that drive them to overeat and how to fix these issues. Change these and you are on your way to food freedom (a.k.a. eating the way you want to eat instead of how your cravings make you eat).
You can watch the recording of this class here


So we need to do more than go on a diet and exercise plan

I like to concentrate on nutrition science, neuroscience, and psychology. I´m interested to know why we do the things we do and why we don´t do the things we know we should do.

Why habits are hard to break and why is it easier to build a new habit if we do the right things.

It´s important to understand how the brain works because the brain is the centre of everything: what we do and don´t do, what we think and how we feel.

It´s possible to know what to do, why to do it, how to do it, when to do it, and still not do it.


Related post  How to curb food cravings during weight loss - a powerful mindset shift


You don´t need a quick-fix diet program


The Healthy Habits for Permanent Weight Loss course

That´s why this program is not a quick-fix diet, it´s a combination of nutrition, habit-building based on how our brain works, and psychology to understand how to change your behaviour.

As I said, habits cannot be changed in a few weeks, so this program is longer. It´s a self-paced program so you can do it as fast or as slowly as you want. But if you listen to 1-2 lessons every other day and implement what you learned the days between it will take 2-4 months to complete.



The lessons

The lessons are short (10-15 minutes on average) so you can listen to them while you prepare your dinner or during your 10-minute walk or while you tidy up the house.

I always give action steps/homework to do at the end of each lesson that you can implement the same or the next day because without taking action there is no point in doing the program. If you take action you will feel the difference pretty soon.

There are a few “meatier “ lessons (around 30 min.). You can leave those for the weekend. Usually in those, we work on your mindset and thinking habits. For those, you need to do some inner work and self-discovery.


Private Group

In the private group that you can access forever, we will discuss the main topics deeper and I will answer your questions too. This will also be a safe place to connect with other people going through the same experience.

I hope to see you there.

You can get the Healthy Habits for Permanent Weight Loss course here


free training to stop emotinal eating and stress eating

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how to lose weight without quick fix diet programs

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A free chapter and 3 free videos to help you stop emotional and binge eating

20 habits to lose weight without dieting for those who have always struggled losing weight

How to stop eating your feelings workbook to break free from emotional and binge eating

permanent weight loss without dieting course

Picture of Rita May

Rita May

Hi! I'm so happy to see you here! I hope you come back often.

I help busy and driven female professionals, entrepreneurs and hard working mothers to find time and motivation to eat a balanced diet and transform their relationship with food.

I help you reprogram your mind so you stop emotional eating.

I teach you to stop the negative self-talk and take good care of yourself so food is not your main pleasure source.

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